Before I got into reverse engineering, executables always seemed like black magic to me. I always wondered how stuff worked under the hood, and how binary code is represented inside .exe files, and how hard it is to modify this ‘compiled code’ without access to the original source code.
But one of the main intimidating hurdles always seemed to be the assembly language, it’s the thing that scares most people away from trying to learn about this field.
That’s the main reason why I thought of writing this straight-to-the-point article that only contains the essential stuff that you encounter the most when reversing, albeit missing crucial details for the sake of brevity, and assumes the reader has a reflex of finding answers online, looking up definitions, and more importantly, coming up with examples/ideas/projects to practice on.
The goal is to hopefully guide an aspiring reverse engineer and arouse motivation towards learning more about this seemingly elusive passion.
Note: This article assumes the reader has elementary knowledge regarding the hexadecimal numeral system, as well as the C programming language, and is based on a 32-bit Windows executable case study - results might differ across different OSes/architectures.
After writing code using a
compiled language, a compilation takes place (duh), in order to generate
the output binary file (an example of such is an .exe file).
Compilers are sophisticated programs which do this task. They make
sure the syntax of your ugly code is correct, before
compiling and optimizing the resulting machine code by minimizing
its size and improving its performance, whenever applicable.
Binary code
As we were saying, the resulting output file contains binary code, which can only be ‘understood’ by a CPU, it’s essentially a succession of varying-length instructions to be executed in order - here’s what some of them look like:
CPU-readable instruction data (in hex) | Human-readable interpretation |
55 | push ebp |
8B EC | mov ebp, esp |
83 EC 08 | sub esp, 8 |
33 C5 | xor eax, ebp |
83 7D 0C 01 | cmp dword ptr [ebp+0Ch], 1 |
These instructions are predominantly arithmetical, and they manipulate CPU registers/flags as well as volatile memory, as they’re executed.
CPU registers
A CPU register is almost like a temporary integer variable - there’s a small fixed number of them, and they exist because they’re quick to access, unlike memory-based variables, and they help the CPU keep track of its data (results, operands, counts, etc.) during execution.
It’s important to note the presence of a special register called the
32-bit), which houses a bunch of flags (boolean indicators), which
hold information about the state of the CPU, which include details
about the last arithmetic operation (zero:
, sign:
, etc.).
CPU registers visualized while debugging a 32-bit process on
x64dbg, a debugging tool.
Some of these registers can also be spotted on the assembly excerpt
mentioned previously, namely:
pointer) and
Memory access
As the CPU executes stuff, it needs to access and interact with memory, that’s when the role of the stack and the heap comes.
These are (without getting into too much detail) the 2 main ways of ‘keeping track of variable data’ during the execution of a program:
🥞 Stack
The simpler and faster of the two - it’s a linear contiguous LIFO (last in = first out) data structure with a push/pop mechanism, it serves to remember function-scoped variables, arguments, and keeps track of calls (ever heard of a stack trace?)
⛰ Heap
The heap, however, is pretty unordered, and is for more complicated data structures, it’s typically used for dynamic allocations, where the size of the buffer isn’t initially known, and/or if it’s too big, and/or needs to be modified later.
Assembly instructions
As I’ve mentioned earlier, assembly instructions have a varying ‘byte-size’, and a varying number of arguments.
Arguments can also be either immediate (‘hardcoded’), or they can be registers, depending on the instruction:
55 push ebp ; size: 1 byte, argument: register
6A 01 push 1 ; size: 2 bytes, argument: immediate
Let’s quickly run through a very small set of some of the common ones we’ll get to see - feel free to do your own research for more detail:
Stack operations
; pushes a value into the stack (decrementsESP
by 4, the size of one stack ‘unit’). -
; pops a value to a register (incrementsESP
by 4).
Data transfer
;movescopies a value from/to a register. -
, [expression
] ; copies a value from a memory address resolved from a ‘register expression’ (single register or arithmetic expression involving one or more registers) into a register.
Flow control
; jumps into a code location (setsEIP
(instruction pointer)). -
; jumps into a code location ifZF
(the zero flag) is set. -
; jumps into a code location ifZF
is not set.
; compares the 2 operands and setsZF
if they’re equal. -
; operand1 += operand2; -
; operand1 -= operand2;
Function transitions
; calls a function (pushes currentEIP
, then jumps to the function). -
retn ;
returns to caller function (pops back the previous
Note: You might notice the words ‘equal’ and ‘zero’ being used
interchangeably in x86 terminology - that’s because comparison
instructions internally perform a subtraction, which means if the 2
operands are equal,
is set.
Assembly patterns
Now that we have a rough idea of the main elements used during the execution of a program, let’s get familiarized with the patterns of instructions that you can encounter reverse engineering your average everyday 32-bit PE binary.
Function prologue
A function prologue is some initial code embedded in the beginning of most functions, it serves to set up a new stack frame for said function.
It typically looks like this (X being a number):
55 push ebp ; preserve caller function's base pointer in stack
8B EC mov ebp, esp ; caller function's stack pointer becomes base pointer (new stack frame)
83 EC XX sub esp, X ; adjust the stack pointer by X bytes to reserve space for local variables
Function epilogue
The epilogue is simply the opposite of the prologue - it undoes its steps to restore the stack frame of the caller function, before it returns to it:
8B E5 mov esp, ebp ; restore caller function's stack pointer (current base pointer)
5D pop ebp ; restore base pointer from the stack
C3 retn ; return to caller function
Now at this point, you might be wondering - how do functions talk to each other? How exactly do you send/access arguments when calling a function, and how do you receive the return value? That’s precisely why we have calling conventions.
Calling conventions: __cdecl
A calling convention is basically a protocol used to communicate with functions, there’s a few variations of them, but they share the same principle.
We will be looking at the __cdecl (C declaration) convention, which is the standard one when compiling C code.
In __cdecl (32-bit), function arguments are passed on the stack
(pushed in reverse order), while the return value is returned in the
register (assuming it’s not a float).
This means that a
func(1, 2, 3);
call will generate the following:
6A 03 push 3
6A 02 push 2
6A 01 push 1
E8 XX XX XX XX call func
Putting everything together
simply does an addition on the arguments and returns the result, it
would probably look like this:
int __cdecl func(int, int, int):
55 push ebp ; save base pointer
8B EC mov ebp, esp ; new stack frame
8B 45 08 mov eax, [ebp+8] ; load first argument to EAX (return value)
03 45 0C add eax, [ebp+0Ch] ; add 2nd argument
03 45 10 add eax, [ebp+10h] ; add 3rd argument
5D pop ebp ; restore base pointer
C3 retn ; return to caller
Now if you’ve been paying attention and you’re still confused, you might be asking yourself one of these 2 questions:
1) Why do we have to adjust
by 8
to get to the first argument?
If you
check the definition of the
instruction we mentioned earlier, you’ll realize that, internally, it actually pushesEIP
to the stack. And if you also check the definition forpush
, you’ll realize that it decrementsESP
(which is copied toEBP
after the prologue) by 4 bytes. In addition, the prologue’s first instruction is also apush
, so we end up with 2 decrements of 4, hence the need to add 8.
2) What happened to the prologue and epilogue, why are they seemingly ‘truncated’?
It’s simply because we haven’t had a use for the stack during the
execution of our function - if you’ve noticed, we haven’t modified
at all, which means we also don’t need to restore it.
If conditions
To demo the flow control assembly instructions, I’d like to add one more example to show how an if condition was compiled to assembly.
Assume we have the following function:
void print_equal(int a, int b) {
if (a == b) {
else {
After compiling it, here’s the disassembly that I got with the help of IDA:
void __cdecl print_equal(int, int):
10000000 55 push ebp
10000001 8B EC mov ebp, esp
10000003 8B 45 08 mov eax, [ebp+8] ; load 1st argument
10000006 3B 45 0C cmp eax, [ebp+0Ch] ; compare it with 2nd
┌┅ 10000009 75 0F jnz short loc_1000001A ; jump if not equal
┊ 1000000B 68 94 67 00 10 push offset aEqual ; "equal"
┊ 10000010 E8 DB F8 FF FF call _printf
┊ 10000015 83 C4 04 add esp, 4
┌─┊─ 10000018 EB 0D jmp short loc_10000027
│ ┊
│ └ loc_1000001A:
│ 1000001A 68 9C 67 00 10 push offset aNah ; "nah"
│ 1000001F E8 CC F8 FF FF call _printf
│ 10000024 83 C4 04 add esp, 4
└── loc_10000027:
10000027 5D pop ebp
10000028 C3 retn
Give yourself a minute and try to make sense of this disassembly
output (for simplicity’s sake, I’ve changed the real addresses and
made the function start from
In case you’re wondering about the
add esp, 4
part, it’s simply there to adjust
to its initial value (same effect as a
except without modifying any register), since we had to
printf string argument.
Basic data structures
Now let’s move on and talk about how data is stored (integers and strings especially).
Endianness is the order of the sequence of bytes representing a value in computer memory.
There’s 2 types - big-endian and little-endian:
For reference, x86 family processors (the ones on pretty much any computer you can find) always use little-endian.
To give you a live example of this concept, I’ve compiled a Visual
Studio C++ console app, where I declared an
variable with the value
assigned to it, then I printed the variable’s address using
on the main function.
Then I ran the program attached to the debugger in order to check the printed variable’s address on the memory hex view, and here’s the result I obtained:
To elaborate more on this -
variables are 4 bytes long (32 bits) (in case you didn’t know), so
this means that if the variable starts from the address
would end right before
To go from human readable value to memory bytes, follow these steps:
00 00 05 39
-> little-endian:
39 05 00 00
Signed integers
This part is interesting yet relatively simple. What you should know here is that integer signing (positive/negative) is typically done on computers with the help of a concept called two’s complement.
The gist of it is that the lowest/first half of an integer is reserved for positive numbers, while the highest/last half is for negative numbers, here’s what this looks like in hex, for a 32-bit signed int (highlighted = hex, in parenthesis = decimal):
Positives (1/2):
(0) ->
(2,147,483,647 or
Negatives (2/2):
(-2,147,483,648 or
If you’ve noticed, we’re always ascending in value. Whether
we go up in hex or decimal. And that’s the crucial point of this
concept - arithmetical operation do not have to do anything special
to handle signing, they can simply treat all values as
unsigned/positive, and the result would still be interpreted
correctly (as long as we don’t go beyond
and that’s because integers will also ‘rollover’ on
overflow/underflow by design, kinda like an analog odometer.
Protip: The Windows calculator is a very helpful tool - you can set it to programmer mode and set the size to DWORD (4 bytes), then enter negative decimal values and visualize them in hex and binary, and have fun performing operations on them.
In C, strings are stored as
arrays, therefore, there’s nothing special to note here, except for
something called null termination.
If you ever wondered how
is able to know the size of a string, it’s very simple - strings
have a character that indicates their end, and that’s the null
byte/character -
If you declare a string constant in C code, and hover over it in Visual Studio, for instance, it will tell you the size of the generated array, and as you can see, for this reason, it’s one element more than the ‘visible’ string size.
Note: The endianness concept is not applicable on arrays, only on single variables. Therefore, the order of characters in memory would be normal here - low to high.
Making sense of
Now that you know all of this, you’re likely able to start making sense of some machine code, and emulate a CPU with your brain, to some extent, so to speak.
Let’s take the
example, but let’s only focus on the
instructions this time.
void print_equal(int, int):
10000010 E8 DB F8 FF FF call _printf
1000001F E8 CC F8 FF FF call _printf
You might be wondering to yourself - wait a second, if these are the same instructions, then why are their bytes different?
That’s because,
instructions (usually) take an offset (relative address) as
an argument, not an absolute address.
An offset is basically the difference between the current location, and the destination, which also means that it can be either negative or positive.
As you can see, the
of a
instruction that takes a 32-bit offset, is
, and is
followed by said offset - which makes the full instruction:
Pull out your calculator,
why’d you close it so early?! and calculate the
difference between the offset of both instructions (don’t forget the
You’ll notice that (the absolute value of) this difference is the
same as the one between the instruction addresses (1000001F
Another small detail that we should add, is the fact that the CPU
only executes an instruction after fully ‘reading’ it, which means
that by the time the CPU starts ‘executing’,
instruction pointer) is already pointing at the
next instruction to be executed.
That’s why these offsets are actually accounting for this behaviour,
which means that in order to get the real address of the
target function, we have to also add the size of the
instruction: 5.
Now let’s apply all these steps in order to resolve
address from the first instruction on the example:
10000010 E8 DB F8 FF FF call _printf
1) Extract the offset from the instruction:
E8 (DB F8 FF FF)
2) Add it to the instruction address:
3) And finally, add the instruction size:
5 =
The exact same principle applies to the
┌─── 10000018 EB 0D jmp short loc_10000027
└── loc_10000027:
10000027 5D pop ebp
The only difference in this example is that
is a
short version
instruction - which means it only takes an 8-bit (1 byte) offset.
+ 2 =
That’s it! You should now have enough information (and hopefully, motivation) to start your journey reverse engineering executables.
Start by writing dummy C code, compiling it, and debugging it while single-stepping through the disassembly instructions (Visual Studio allows you to do this, by the way).
Compiler Explorer
is also an extremely helpful website which compiles C code to
assembly for you in real time using multiple compilers (select the
x86 msvc
compiler for Windows 32-bit).
After that, you can try your luck with closed-source native binaries, by the help of disassemblers such as Ghidra and IDA, and debuggers such as x64dbg.
Note: If you’ve noticed inaccurate information, or room for improvement regarding this article, and would like to improve it, feel free to submit a pull request on GitHub.
Thanks for reading!